
two years....almost!
hello to any of my readers
if i have any.
things have finally slowed down.
when things were coming so fast, my blog was the first to go.
plus, i wasn't feeling very creative.
but now i am back.
and feeling inspired.
last month a few friends and i decided to get together every tuesday for a craft day.
every month we will try sometime new.
in december we picked making rag rugs.
out of thrifted sheets.
oh my goodness, how fun!
this is mine.
for my studio.
i have a concrete floor.
my feet get very cold standing on it.
i haven't crocheted since i was 12.
i am much older now. :)
it was a hoot because none of us really knew what we were doing.
but thanks to kyla
we were able to figure it out.
she helped me with the scalloped edge.
my friend jennie has really taken the craft on.
she has made 5 rugs.
started three more.
i think.
i would love to try to make a large one that looks like a doily.
like the one below found on pinterest.
found here
this month we are doing journals.
using the coptic stitch.
we just decorated the cover this week and will stitch the books together next week.
will post photos when we are done.
hope everyone has a creative day!
God bless!

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